Foods That Do the Weight-Loss Work for You

Whole-wheat pasta contains over 6 grams of fiber per 1-cup serving, which is more than many other whole grains. 

1. Whole-Wheat Pasta

Legumes are rich in antioxidants and micronutrients and contain fewer calories and cholesterol than many animal-based proteins.

2. Lentils

Weight-loss supplements containing artichoke extract have generated some excitement, but beware.

3. Artichokes

Eight grams of fiber are contained in one cup, more than any other fruit. 

4. Raspberries

A single serving provides forty percent of the daily fiber requirement.

5. Chia Seeds

A fistful of almonds (approximately 23 almonds) contains protein, calcium, and iron in addition to fiber in excess of 3 grams. 

6. Almonds

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