Top Picks for the Mediterranean Diet

In addition, they are an excellent source of antioxidants, or substances that help combat oxidative stress. 

1 Pistachios

Walnuts can enhance the flavor and texture of virtually any dish and leave you feeling full and satiated. 

2 Walnuts

The most significant bioactive molecules in fish and seafood consumed in the Mediterranean Diet.

3 Seafood

Researchers concluded that consuming three to four servings of milk and dairy, as opposed to two servings.

4 Yogurt

The evidence indicates that PEITC may have anti-cancer properties, making it an obvious choice for those who wish to reduce their risk.

5 Watercress

Pulses are the edible grains of legume plants and include chickpeas, dry peas, and lentils, among others.

6 Pulses

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