Top 6 Nuts That Help You Shed Pounds 

Minerals, vitamins, healthful fats, and protein are present in hazelnuts. 

1 1. Hazelnuts

Walnuts are one of the finest nuts for weight loss due to the polyunsaturated fats and protein they contain.

2. Walnuts

It has a high fiber content, which is beneficial for weight loss because it makes you feel satisfied for longer and decreases your appetite between meals.

 3. Pistachios

Almonds are considered a healthy nut for weight loss due to their ability to reduce appetite and cravings, as well as their high fibre content.

4  Almonds

Their minimal fat content and satisfying crunch make them a wonderful alternative to less healthy snacks.

5 Cashews

Peanuts are typically minimal in calories compared to other nuts. 

 6. Peanuts

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