Late-Night Snacks for Weight Loss

These chocolatey delights contain 15 calories each and are simple to prepare. 

1 Frozen Banana 

When you're craving a crunchy, salted snack late at night, pistachios fit the bill perfectly. 

2 Pistachios

By choosing blackberries instead of confectionery or other late-night sweets, you can save a substantial number of calories.

3 Blackberries

Pomegranates and blueberries contain powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation, which makes weight loss more difficult.

4 Frozen Yogurt

Popcorn is a straightforward, entertaining snack that is ideal for late-night indulgence.

5 Popcorn

Eggs boiled in water are not just for breakfast! They are simple, filling treats that contain six grams of protein.

6 Hardboiled Eggs

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