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16 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

16 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

Snacking is the practice of consuming lesser portions of food between meals. Choose snacks with protein, fiber, and healthful fats to maintain satiety throughout the day.

While research on whether snacking aids in weight loss is inconclusive, there is some evidence that increasing meal frequency through snacking can help manage hunger and enhance blood sugar regulation.

Additionally, grazing can help you consume more nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which the majority of people do not do.

By managing hunger and keeping you satisfied between meals, snacks may support your weight management objectives if you plan ahead and focus on nutrient-dense foods.

Although no single snack will cause weight loss, the following 16 nutritious snacks may help you lose weight as part of a healthy eating pattern.

1. Mixed nuts

Nuts provide the optimal balance of healthy fats, protein, and fiber for a nutritious snack.

They have many health benefits and are extremely substantial. According to studies, consuming nuts in moderation may aid in weight loss. Because they are rich in calories, limit yourself to 1 ounce or 1/4 cup.

2. Red bell pepper with guacamole

Despite the fact that all bell peppers are nutritious, red varieties are especially rich in antioxidants. Additionally, guacamole is an abundant source of nutrients and minerals.

Combining 1 large red bell pepper with 1/4 cup (60 grams) of guacamole combines the finest of both foods while remaining under 200 calories.

3. Greek yogurt and mixed berries

Greek yogurt is rich in protein, and berries are an excellent source of antioxidants.

Add a variety of berry colors to your yogurt to obtain a variety of nutrients as well as a blend of their sweet and sour flavors.

4. Apple slices with peanut butter

Apples are a fruit abundant in fiber. Peanuts contain healthful fats, plant-based protein, and fiber — essentially every satiating nutrient you should seek in a snack.

By combining apples and peanut butter, you can experience a snack that is both crisp and creamy. Simply search for one that contains only peanuts, salt, and no sugar.

5. Cottage cheese and fruit

Cottage cheese and fruit produce a sweet, creamy, and substantial snack due to the cheese’s protein and fat content complementing the fruit’s fiber content. Consider pairing it with pineapple, papaya, or melons.

Cottage cheese contains 25 grams of substantial protein per cup.

6. Celery sticks with cream cheese

The combination of celery sticks and cream cheese is a classic low-carb snack that can help you feel satisfied.

This duo will provide you with a fiber-rich refreshment that combines the crunchiness of celery with the creaminess of cheese. Five small celery stalks with approximately 1 ounce (30 grams) of cream cheese provide approximately 100 calories.

7. Kale chips

Kale is packed with fiber, antioxidants, and minerals and contains less oxalic acid, an anti-nutrient that inhibits calcium absorption, than many other leafy greens.

Combining kale and olive oil results in chips that are not only more flavorful and crispy, but also more nutritious and full.

8. Dark chocolate and almonds

Dark chocolate and pistachios are an excellent combination. Almonds are an abundant source of healthy fats, and dark chocolate contains antioxidants.

Try some dark chocolate chunks or a dark chocolate square with a handful of nuts.

9. Cucumber slices with hummus

The crisp flavor and crisp texture of cucumber complement the creamy creaminess of hummus.

Typically, hummus is prepared with chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, and garlic. Therefore, it offers a combination of plant-based protein, fiber, and heart-healthy lipids.

1 cup (104 grams) of cucumbers dipped in 2 tablespoons (34 grams) of hummus will help you feel satisfied for less than 100 calories.

10. A piece of fruit

A slice of fruit is an exceptionally satisfying snack. Fruits that are portable and simple to consume include bananas, apples, pears, grapes, citrus, and oranges.

Fruit is rich in fiber and minerals and makes for an excellent refreshment. To make fruit more filling, combine it with almonds or yogurt.

11. Cherry tomatoes with mozzarella

Tomatoes and mozzarella cheese are a nutritious and delicious way to consume more vegetables.

Mix tomatoes with mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil for a protein-, fiber-, and healthful fat-rich snack.

12. Chia pudding

Tiny nutritional powerhouses, chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant-based protein.

When immersed in liquid, chia seeds acquire a jelly-like consistency, making them an ideal pudding ingredient despite their lack of flavor.

13. Hard-boiled eggs

Due to their high protein content, eggs are immensely filling. Recent studies imply that moderate egg consumption — defined as 3–4 eggs per week — is associated with reduced arterial stiffness, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Be careful to consume the egg yolk to obtain vital nutrients such as vitamin D and choline.

14. Baby carrots with blue cheese dressing

It is a great notion to combine carrots with a creamy salad dressing or dip. In addition to making you feel satisfied for longer, fat enhances the absorption of carrot’s fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A.

Although blue cheese dressing alone is high in calories, it may encourage you to consume more carrots.

A portion of 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of baby carrots with 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of blue cheese dressing contains approximately 190 calories.

15. Cheese with crackers or fruit

Cheese is a tasty, high-protein product that can be consumed as a snack on its own. However, if you combine it with whole-grain crackers or a piece of fruit, your snack will contain more fiber.

Cheese provides protein and calcium, but the amounts of these nutrients differ slightly depending on the type.

16. Beef jerky or beef sticks

Beef jerky and beef sticks are protein-rich, portable treats. Nevertheless, depending on the brand and flavoring, some contain more added sugar and sodium than others.

Look for jerky with as few added ingredients as possible and less than 300 mg of sodium per serving, which is equivalent to 13% of the Daily Value (DV) for sodium.

The majority of beef jerky and beef skewers contain approximately 9 grams of protein per ounce (28 grams).

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