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Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Whether the idea came from a doctor’s suggestion or your own volition, committing to losing weight through a low-calorie diet (and exercise) is not a simple task. We are all rationally aware that the potential benefits of adhering to a healthy diet and exercise plan can easily outweigh the stress of dealing with potential health complications resulting from unhealthy eating habits (think: fatigue, diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular and metabolic problems, etc.).

However, this does not make the temptation to deviate from a healthy lifestyle any less real or difficult. Although adjusting to a healthier lifestyle may initially require some discomfort, the changes you make to your daily routine don’t have to feel like sacrifices if you know which delicious low-calorie foods can also help you on your journey to lose weight.

1 Cucumber: 15 calories per cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Cucumbers, which are composed of over 95% water, are a refreshing pallet cleanser with numerous health benefits but few calories. One cup of cucumber segments contains only about 15 calories, and if you eat them with the skin on, you will also receive about a gram of fiber.

The relationship between food energy density and body weight changes, there is a distinct link between weight loss and consuming low-calorie foods.

2 Blueberries: 86 calories per cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Close-up of a woman pouring blueberries into her hand, foods to remove abdominal fat.

Not only does one cup of blueberries contain 85.5 calories, nearly 4 grams of fiber, and 1.1 grams of protein, but it’s also laden with a variety of weight-loss-friendly vitamins and nutrients.

The effects of consuming the equivalent of a cup of natural blueberries were found to be beneficial for weight loss due to their ability to promote fat burning during exercise.

3 Broccoli: 30 calories per cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

With only 30 calories per cup, chopped broccoli florets provide over 2 grams of protein and fiber, respectively, to sustain the body. A single cup of diced broccoli contains 82 milligrams of vitamin C, which, at 90% of your daily value, is also beneficial for weight loss.

The more vitamin C you have in your system during exercise, the simpler it is for your body to burn more fat. Those who consumed more vitamin C tended to weigh less than those who did not consume enough of it.

4 Grapefruit: 52 calories per half

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

One-half of a grapefruit contains 52 calories and is a classic citrus delicacy. In addition, you receive 2 grams of fiber and nearly 40 milligrams of vitamin C, which is greater than 42% of your daily value. Grapefruit has developed a controversial reputation as the centerpiece of a few questionable and dangerous fad diets.

However, when consumed as part of a well-balanced, varied diet, grapefruit is an excellent refreshment for shedding a few pounds. Food on the effects of grapefruit consumption on weight and insulin resistance found that participants who drank a glass of grapefruit juice or ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost a significant amount of weight.

5 Almonds: 164 calories per 1 ounce

brown almond nuts on white ceramic bowl

A one-ounce serving of almonds contains only 164 calories but 6 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber. Thus, almonds are the ideal portable nutritious snack for staving off hunger. As mentioned previously, the less hungry you are throughout the day, the less likely you are to engage in behaviors that will impede your weight loss efforts.

6 Greek yogurt: 150 calories per cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Greek yogurt is a wonderful blank canvas that enhances the flavor of other nutritious foods, such as almonds, berries, cucumbers, and even roasted potatoes. With more than 25 grams of protein per cup and fewer than 150 calories per serving, Greek yogurt is a satiating protein powerhouse. In addition, research suggests that its ability to keep you feeling satisfied may promote weight loss.

Appetite discovered that female participants who consumed high-protein Greek yogurt felt less famished and fuller for a longer period of time than when they snacked on other protein-rich foods.

150 calories per half-cup serving of oatmeal with apples and hazelnuts.

7 Oats: 150 calories per 1/2 cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Like Greek yogurt, oatmeal is a versatile, healthy food that complements both sweet and savory flavors splendidly. And from a nutritional standpoint, this cuisine is an excellent option for achieving your weight loss objectives. A single half-cup serving of rolled oats contains 150 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fiber.

While a half-cup may seem like a small amount, it would be a grave error to underestimate the fiber content of this food. Not only will this adhere to your ribs and keep you full until your next meal, but it also contains 15% of your daily value for fiber.

8 Raspberries: 64 calories per cup

Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

Raspberries should be the first item on your purchasing list for low-calorie foods. This is why: At 64 calories per cup, these bite-sized berries are a calorie bargain. Additionally, a single-cup serving contains an astonishing 8 grams of fiber. Some studies have also found a correlation between weight loss and raspberry ketone, the primary aroma compound in raspberries.

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